Restaurant Reservations

Accept table reservations on your website! SITE123's reservations tool can confirm reservations and much more! Try out this powerful tool now!

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Set Table Size

Having a presence online is becoming essential for many restaurants to get noticed, attract clients, and get them booking reservations. Your customers are able to choose the range of table sizes you specify for them using this tool. Using the SITE123 restaurant reservation tool to reserve your restaurant's seats online offers you the flexibility you need to compete in the modern restaurant environment.

Auto / Manually Confirm Reservations

Confirming the restaurant reservations you receive is essential to setting up the preparations for your restaurant, for knowing who and how many people are coming. In SITE123's reservation system, you can toggle between automatic and manual confirmation. Automatic confirmation is great for restaurants that want to accept all comers - getting people through the door is the priority. You also have the choice of manual confirmation in case you have a smaller restaurant and need to plan more when reservations are made.

Set Grace Period For Reservation

Setting a grace period is one of the realities of the restaurant business - this will define how long you'll wait for a customer reservation before canceling it. Set short if you are a high-frequency restaurant that processes a lot of orders, or allows more grace time for especially large orders. This is the tool that will help keep your restaurant's time being used efficiently no matter what happens with orders.

Set Your Restaurant's Address And Opening Hours

SITE123's restaurant reservation tool lets you put your address and opening hours on display, letting your clients know what times are available for making a reservation and when they can use your restaurant's services! You can adjust the opening hours to be consistent over a week or to vary depending on the day based on your restaurant's needs.

Manage Your Restaurant Reservations Orders

Managing your reservation orders can be decisive for passing an image of credibility to your restaurant clients. Passing on this credibility depends on coordinating your activities and orders so double-booking does not happen. SITE123 lets you set multiple stages for each reservation order and cater your order settings to each and every situation. This is what makes it possible for people to trust your restaurant is organized well while you provide great food and service.

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