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Find the perfect domain name for your website. SITE123's very own domain search tool makes finding, confirming, and creating domains easy and convenient.

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Choose A Stand Out

The right domain is something that rolls off the tongue and gives you a basic idea what the website is about - e.g. Paypal - the site is about making and sending payments online, and they’re your pal in getting it done. The combination of two simple words like this can give you a description that a one word name can’t do. What is most important is that people can read it, say it, write it, and remember it. Test out the options you come up with with friends and family to help get a better idea on what is effective.

Be Clever but Cautious When Picking It

It is best not to get too abstract when you pick a domain name. A crazy choice worked for Google and Apple, but you might be better off thinking of something more related to what your business does. Sticking to a solid brand name is a great choice, but using foreign or made-up words can be hard to spell or make it tough for visitors to find.

Step Back & Try Again

Often enough you may find yourself thinking up the greatest domain name for your business only to search and find it is already taken! Don’t despair, this is all a part of the domain search process. SITE’s domain name search tool will let you check in a moment whether a domain is available, helping you find just what you’re looking for. Being flexible is important so don’t be afraid to change up a domain name idea you have to find what is available! With some time, thought, and persistence you’ll find available domains that will stand out and do a great job of representing what your website is about. Keep thinking, revising, and testing until you find what works for you!

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Paul Downes gb Flag
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